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We work within the following main property sectors:


  • Retail

  • Housing

  • Education

  • Business, Commerce & Industry

  • Leisure, Sport & Community

  • Mixed Use Developments

  • Urban Regeneration


Please refer to the categories below and the links to sub-pages showing examples of our experience.

Primarily housing and retail led, we have a well-established track record with development land. We continue to source development opportunities, sell land and progress the planning strategy with the key end use always in mind. Housing development has taken over from our retail foodstore work and the delay to the Local Plan system in the past decade has complicated the strategic land process. 





Marshall Street Soho

Gilden Park, Harlow

About Us

Commercial Development

Morrisons Harwich.JPG

We provide development services on all types of retail, office, warehousing and health developments including acquisition, leasing, sales, refurbishment and new build. Our expertise is more focused on the retail and warehousing sector, historically convenience food. A number of our past schemes have been linked to education redevelopment schemes and the sale of surplus land for retail food.  

Stanton Euro-Park, Harwich



Romford Construction Site.JPG

Our expertise is focused around project management of the whole building and development process from inception, acquisition, planning, pre-let, funding, procurement, building contract administration, completion and occupation. We provide an overarching client service for management of the design team, contractor, tenants, funder, planning, cost, risk and programme.  

Market Place, Romford



Our planning work is wide ranging from defending against enforcement action to managing and co-ordinating the design team on a 400 home planning application. We oversee planning appeals, Local Plan hearings and once a High Court challenge. We deal with a range of planning issues include certificates of lawful use (with historic evidence), agreeing Section 106 agreements, screening opinions and pre-apps.

Gilden Park, Harlow



& Leisure

Often such schemes are linked to retail/housing enabling development and enhanced provision is needed to mitigate the loss of facilities. We often agree the new provision in advance with Sport England and carefully manage the planning obligation and viability/funding position (often via escrow). We often subsequently project manage the new sports and leisure provision. 

Lucas Lane, Hitchin

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